Newsletter 2017

Welcome to Woodlands Adventure activity centre

The start of the 2017 season is an exciting time for Woodlands Adventure outdoor activity centre. We have new facilities and extended activities, some of which are outlined in this newsletter. Last year saw an increase in the number of visitors attending Woodlands Adventure to participate in all the opportunities we have to offer – we had no less than 7,320 visitors! We anticipate that these numbers will continue to grow but we will always ensure that this increase will not detract in any way from the experience we offer. So all we need now is some good weather! Bookings are coming in, fast and furious, so do get in touch as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
Yet, as we write this Newsletter, it is also a time of sadness, because our senior Trustee and former Chairman, Mr Neil Aitchison has recently passed away. We are very grateful for Neil’s amazing work and achievements for us over more than 20 years. We will miss him a great deal. Please see our Chairman’s tribute to Neil overleaf.
We look forward to welcoming you to Woodlands Adventure activity centre in the near future.

Our New Day Block

We are delighted to announce that our new Day Block is nearly complete and will be brought into service for the new season by the end of March. The new building, adjacent to the camping ground, will be available for our day visitors and campers, providing much improved and extended toilets and showers, with both male and female sections. It also has dedicated disabled facilities which were lacking in the former block. We are sure that you will approve of this major improvement and that it will enhance the quality of your visit at our outdoor activity centre.
This new building has been funded partly by ourselves, and partly through the generosity of various Charitable Trust Funds. Our special thanks go to the The Connie & Albert Taylor Charitable Trust, GJW Turner Trust, The 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust, The Loppylugs & Barbara Morrison Charitable Trust, The Eveson Charitable Trust, The Goodenough Charitable, Trust, The Saintbury Trust and an anonymous donor. We are extremely grateful to you all because, without your support, our new Day Block would not have been built.
Day Block under construction

Our New Website

Some of you may have already accessed our new website – we hope that you like it!
For those of you who have yet to discover the wealth of additional information that it contains, just log on to
Click on the MENU button on the top right hand corner of the home page and you’re away.
You can also access a description of the types of visits and all the many different activities on offer at Woodlands Adventure by clicking on the various pictures, which will take you straight to the relevant part of the site. The MENU also gives access to the booking forms and all the information you will need to book an exciting visit or stay – a half day, a full day or a residential trip. But please do still ring us on 0121 353 7329 to discuss and confirm your booking.
The website has been made possible by the fantastic fundraising efforts of KWB Commercial Property Agents, one of whose Directors is one of our Trustees, and Carousel Marketing who designed the site for us.
Very many thanks to all of you.

Nature Studies

We are now offering enhanced Nature Studies sessions. At a time when many younger visitors live in an urban environment, our outdoor activity centre nature studies provides an opportunity for them to immerse themselves in the countryside where they can learn about the local wildlife and vegetation whilst developing environmental awareness. Specific activities include pond-dipping, searching for mini-beasts, tree and plant identification, splashing through streams and a nature walk through our woodlands. Book a session now!
nature studies

Neil Aitchison (1938-2017) – Tribute by Jonathan Cox, Chairman

It is with great sadness that we report the passing on 2nd March of Neil Aitchison, our longest serving Trustee of over 20 years and our former Chairman. Neil worked tirelessly for Woodlands Adventure activity centre right up to the end of his life. Woodlands Adventure simply would not be what it is today without his leadership and his tremendous efforts at fund raising. He believed strongly in and remained loyal to its objectives, that is to advance the education of young people through undertaking challenges, both physical and mental, and learning new skills in a rural environment. Neil was very highly regarded by his fellow Trustees and the Woodlands Adventure staff. His expertise, guidance and contribution will be greatly missed. We intend to mark Neil’s significant involvement with Woodlands Adventure activity centre in an appropriate way.

Many thanks to the donors of the following items:

Zip tower
Mattresses, sheets, canoe helmets and buoyancy aids – Grantham Yorke Trust
Sports Hall electrical rewire and new lighting – Baron Davenport’s Charity
High ropes and zip wire harnesses – Lord Austin Trust
Office Electrics & hand dryers – The Michael Marsh Charitable Trust
Uniforms, qualifications, UPVC window and kitchen worktops – The Ratcliff Foundation
Quad bike – The Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust & Miss JB Albright’s Grimley Charity
Sit on top canoes – The Norton Foundation
Lawnmower – The Rowlands Trust
Staff water proof jackets – Bite Size Pieces
Refurbishment of the zip wire tower – Bharat Pattni
Zip Wire Helmets – Jaguar Employees General Charities Fund
Scaffold Boards – BAYC


Also many thanks to the following donors:

Mr G Breatnach, The Dagny Raymond Charitable Trust, Dumbreck Charity, Fitton Trust, Mr D Hope, Mrs D Hurley, The James Frederick and Ethel Anne Measures Charity, The Joan Lamb Charitable Trust, Lady Tangye Charitable Trust, Martin Davies Commercial Property Care, SAKs Investment Club, Sir John Sumner’s Trust, Stella Symons Charitable Trust and
Whitegates Children’s Trust


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