Outdoor learning is experienced by every visitor here at Woodlands Adventure. As well as acquiring new skills whilst participating in activities, our visitors learn about themselves, each other and the outdoors.
Learning in an outdoor learning environment contrasts greatly with the classroom. It is an approach to teaching and learning through the many varied activities and experiences we offer. In high quality outdoor education, young people are engaged at a level that matches their own abilities and development, whilst providing them and their group with stretch and challenge opportunities.
The invaluable transferable skills learned when participating in outdoor education include:
Outdoor learning skills include:
• Communication
• Problem solving
• Resilience
• Challenge and risk-taking
• Self confidence
• Motivation
• Teamwork – leading and supporting
• Learning skills
• Environmental awareness
Leaving the classroom and participating in a more active and practical approach to acquiring new skills also nurtures enquiry, experimentation, feedback, reflection, review and co-operative outdoor learning. Visits also offer the chance to find inspirational new ways to learn new skills, absorb information and put it all into practice. All these skills are therefore invaluable to young people as they develop through their education and life.
We nurture team-work and educate our visitors on the environment, its inhabitants and even outdoor survival skills.