Bushcraft and shelter building

At Woodlands Adventure, our bushcraft and shelter building sessions teach you the basics of surviving in the wild.

Firstly, we teach you how to use natural resources to build a shelter that will protect you from the elements. As well as being educational, it is also a fun session as we introduce a slightly competitive element to it – who can build the strongest and most unique shelter! We find that this motivates even the most reluctant to rummage through the woodlands, trying to find the best natural tools. It also teaches the importance of safety and risk assessment in an outdoor environment.

The second part is bushcraft. This is where we teach you how to gather the correct types of wood and kindling and then start a fire using, only a flint and steel, using a storm kettle to boil your water. This teaches life skills, promotes team building and also gives you a rewarding feeling once you get that fire lit!

Nature studies

Our nature studies session is built up of lots of different activities that teach you all about the local wildlife and surroundings as well as environmental awareness. We offer pond-dipping, mini beasts, tree and leaf rubbings and tree and plant identification.

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This activity promotes

  • Risk assessment
  • Safety
  • Self confidence
  • Resourcefulness
  • Team building
  • Survival skills